Burnout Group

Life is too short to feel exhausted and crispy forever.

Handouts, Worksheets & Infographics

You can access previous months’ handouts online.

In this group, you’ll learn and practice tangible ways to address the stress in your bodyand the stressors in your life so that you can both rest and do what you love in life.

Drawing from research, intersectional feminism, and our lived experiences, each session will include: 

  • A different stress-reducing activity to help you get familiar with which work for you

  • A brief lesson and recap of the month’s chapter (while you’re encouraged to read the chapter yourself, it’s also ok if you don’t)

  • An activity so you can practice the month’s concepts right away

  • Group discussion and debrief

  • One goal (that’s optional and realistic) to work on for the coming month

Open to adults of all genders* (see note by the Burnout book)

Time & Location:

One Monday a month 6:00-7:30 PM

Online via GoogleMeet

Remaining 2023 dates:

April 17th

May 22nd

Sliding Scale Pricing: $15-$45 per session

You are invited to reflect on your access to resources that have been impacted due to COVID and/or as a result of forms of intersectional oppression.

*Please contact me if cost is a barrier for you.*


Erin Tillson Jeffries is a Nashville therapist who helps people heal from anxiety and people-pleasing to live joyful, meaningful lives.

*Please note that participating in this group does NOT establish a therapist-client relationship.*

Optional Reading: Burnout by Emily and Amelia Nagoski

Available as a physical or audiobook (with free PDFs of the worksheets): https://www.burnoutbook.net/

A note about gender: this book was written specifically for women, however, much of the research and nearly all of the activities are easily applicable for non-women. 

The main areas where I’ll be supplementing with additional information for non-women are emotions, “Human Giver Syndrome” (the belief that some humans, especially women, need to cheerfully give all their energy and service toward others), and body image. 

If you are not a woman and are also not interested in exploring the nuances of experience across the gender spectrum (that is, if you think it’s a total level playing field with no differences and aren’t willing to challenge that belief), this book and this group may not be a good fit for you.